Students in the Wells in Florence program can select from a wide variety of courses in the humanities, arts, business, social sciences and more.
Students enroll at the Lorenzo de' Medici Institute (LdM), where all courses are taught in English. Students need not have knowledge of Italian. At the completion of the semester, students will be issued a Wells College* transcript.
*The Wells in Florence program has a new home and school of record. As of fall 2024 all transcripts will be issued by Manhattanville University. See announcement HERE. All other program details remain unchanged.
Courses are offered in the following areas:
- Art History
- Fashion Design, Marketing and Merchandising
- Ancient Studies
- International Business
- Political Science and International Studies
- Communications
- Architecture
- Painting, Drawing and Mixed Media
- Psychology
- Anthropology
- History
- Environmental studies
- Geography
- Religious Studies
- Literature
- Philosophy
- Sociology
- Performing Arts
- Graphic Design
- Film and Media Arts
- Gender Studies
- Interior Design
- Italian Gastronomy and Culture
- Jewelry Design
- Nutrition
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Restoration
- Sculpture and Ceramics
- Writing
Italian language courses are not a requirement of the Wells in Florence program. Students with adequate background in Italian can take certain courses in Italian if they wish, but that is entirely optional.
Course Listings
Course schedules are not available until approximately five months prior to the semester start date. For advance planning purposes, you may use the previous year’s semester schedule. For example, you would use the previous fall semester schedule as a good estimate for courses that are likely to be offered in a fall semester and the previous spring semester schedule as a good estimate for spring semester courses. Course offerings do not change much each year.
You may refer to the Lorenzo de’ Medici “Course Schedules” page to see what is typically offered in the previous semesters. Select “Florence” for the site and a previous fall or spring semester for the term.
Visit the following links to see a list of courses:
Once course registration is open, please visit the Lorenzo de' Medici "Course Schedules" page. Once there, select the "Florence" site, and the appropriate "Fall/Spring" term. Current course status will be updated there.

Did you know?
Did you know Florence's Historic Centre is named one of UNESCO's World Heritage sites for its extraordinary Renaissance architecture and art galleries? With an exceptionally wide variety of painting, drawing, design, theater, dance, sculpture, photography, printmaking and fashion design courses to choose from, LdM is the perfect choice for students interested in the creative arts and design!
Learn More
Contact us today and we'll be in touch to help explain the program, how to maximize your travel experience, and answer all your questions around studying in Florence.